
               author = "Montoya, Andr{\'e}s Danilo Vel{\'a}stegui and Lima, Aline Maria 
                         Meiguins de and Adami, Marcos",
          affiliation = "{Facultad de Ingenier{\'{\i}}a en Ciencias de la Tierra} and 
                         {Universidade Federal do Par{\'a} (UFPA)} and {Instituto Nacional 
                         de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Mapeamento e an{\'a}lise temporal da paisagem no entorno do 
                         Reservat{\'o}rio de Tucuru{\'{\i}}-PA",
              journal = "Anu{\'a}rio do Instituto de Geoci{\^e}ncias",
                 year = "2018",
               volume = "41",
               number = "2",
                pages = "553--567",
             keywords = "Cobertura da terra, Usinas hidrel{\'e}tricas, Barragens, Land 
                         cover, Hydroelectric plants, Dams.",
             abstract = "O grande interesse de gerar energia limpa nos pa{\'{\i}}ses da 
                         regi{\~a}o para o fornecimento energ{\'e}tico e 
                         cont{\'{\i}}nuo crescimento econ{\^o}mico, motiva o 
                         planejamento e constru{\c{c}}{\~a}o de grandes projetos 
                         hidrel{\'e}tricos, com vasta presen{\c{c}}a na bacia 
                         Amaz{\^o}nica. Contudo, devido {\`a} extens{\~a}o dos 
                         reservat{\'o}rios produzidos pelos mesmos, estes projetos podem 
                         alterar a din{\^a}mica dos ecossistemas naturais. Para 
                         compreender melhor o padr{\~a}o espacial das mudan{\c{c}}as da 
                         cobertura da terra motivadas pelos grandes reservat{\'o}rios 
                         hidrel{\'e}tricos, este estudo aplicou o modelo linear de mistura 
                         em imagens Landsat-TM e ETM+ segmentadas e m{\'e}tricas de 
                         paisagens, para o mapeamento das classes de cobertura da terra nos 
                         munic{\'{\i}}pios diretamente afetados pelo reservat{\'o}rio de 
                         Tucuru{\'{\i}}-PA e a caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o quantitativa 
                         das classes presentes na regi{\~a}o, entre os per{\'{\i}}odos 
                         de finaliza{\c{c}}{\~a}o da I fase e in{\'{\i}}cio da II fase 
                         de constru{\c{c}}{\~a}o da UHE Tucuru{\'{\i}}. Os resultados 
                         da an{\'a}lise espacial apontaram que houve 
                         modifica{\c{c}}{\~o}es no padr{\~a}o espacial da cobertura 
                         florestal no entorno do reservat{\'o}rio de Tucuru{\'{\i}}, com 
                         comportamentos diferenciados na escala de munic{\'{\i}}pios. 
                         Onde, o alto n{\'{\i}}vel de fragmenta{\c{c}}{\~a}o est{\'a} 
                         associado {\`a} conectividade das rodovias entre as manchas 
                         urbanas presentes nestes munic{\'{\i}}pios, facilitando o acesso 
                         e convers{\~a}o de {\'a}reas de floresta em pasto. ABSTRACT: The 
                         great interest of generating clean energy in the countries of the 
                         region for energy supply and continuous economic growth, motivates 
                         the planning and construction of large hydroelectric projects, 
                         with a significant presence in the Amazon basin. Nevertheless, due 
                         to the extent of the reservoirs generated by these projects, the 
                         dynamics of natural ecosystems may be altered. To better 
                         understand the spatial pattern of land cover changes fostered by 
                         large hydroelectric reservoirs, this study applied the linear 
                         mixture model in segmented Landsat-TM and ETM+ images, and 
                         landscape metrics for the mapping of land cover classes in 
                         municipalities directly affected by the Tucuru{\'{\i}}-PA 
                         reservoir, and the quantitative characterization of the classes 
                         present in the region, between the periods of completion of the 
                         1st phase and the beginning of the 2nd phase of construction of 
                         the Tucuru{\'{\i}} hydroelectric plant. The results of the 
                         spatial analysis indicated that there were modifications in the 
                         spatial pattern of the forest cover in the surroundings of the 
                         Tucuru{\'{\i}} reservoir, with differentiated behaviors in the 
                         scale of municipalities, in which the high level of fragmentation 
                         is associated to the connectivity of the highways between the 
                         urban spots present in them, facilitating the access and 
                         conversion of forest areas into pasture.",
                  doi = "10.11137/2018_2_553_567",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2018_2_553_567",
                 issn = "0101-9759",
                label = "lattes: 7484071887086439 3 MontoyaLimaAdam:2018:MaTeAn",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "montoya_mapeamento.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "27 abr. 2024"
